Monday 13 February 2012

Paul On Homosexuality

Romans 2:13 "For not the hearers of the LAW are justified before God, But the doers of the LAW will be justified."

Romans 3:20 "Therefore by the deeds of the LAW there shall be no flesh be Justified in his sight: for by the Law is the knowledge of SIN".

The 4 most paradoxical passages written by Paul are Romans 1:18 to 3:20.
Most Christians are unaware that this passage has remained unsolved for the last 2000 years!

Richard Longenecker (Prof. of new testament at Wheaton College) says
"The interpretation of Romans 1:18 to 3:20 has been notoriously difficult for almost every commentator.... Earlier interpreters, Such as Origen, Jerome, Augustine, and Erasmus wrestled with this issue, and this continues to plague commentators today."

What is so important about Romans 1:18 to 3:20??
Paul's Only Un-equivocal refernce to Homosexuality is in this passage. 

But This passage is NOT talking about Homosexuality by itself, But its talking about a mixture of

Yet, Paul Does something Stunning in this passage. He excludes IDOLATROUS HOMOSEXUAL ORGIES  from his list of things that are worthy of spiritual death!

Christopher Bryant (prof. of NT at University of South) teaches-
"Even though Paul includes the IDOLATROUS HOMOSEXUAL ORGIES in this passage, "the climax of his discussion of the human rebellion against God is, as we have seen the list of 'Cold' sins, Sins of strength, in Romans 1:28-31- MURDER, STRIFE, DECEIT, MALIGNITY, VICIOUS GOSSIPS, PUBLIC SLANDERERS, HATERS OF GOD, INSOLENT, HAUGHTY, BOASTERS, INVENTORS OF EVIL... FAITHLESS, HEARTLESS, RUTHLESS, These he sees as the most destructive sins, and it is because of these that those who commit them are worthy of 'spiritual death'."

Paul Considered Vicious Gossips to be FAR WORSE from the combination of Homosexuality+Idolatry+ orgies.

This Brings us to the question:
If Paul Didnt consider
To be Mortal sins

Would Paul have considered
To even be sin at all??

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